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I have different rate plans with varying room prices. How do I select a specific rate plan while creating a booking?

To select a specific rate plan while creating a booking, follow the below-mentioned guidelines:

  1. Start the Drag–and-Drop Booking:
    • In the Reservation Calendar, click and drag on the room and date you want to book.
    • A new booking page will appear on the screen.
  2. Enter Guest and Price Details:
    • On the left side, fill in the guest details.
    • On the right side, you’ll be prompted to set the prices.
  3. Select a Rate Plan:
    • At the top of the right side, you’ll see the Rate Plan option.
    • Click on the small arrow to open the dropdown menu.
    • All rate plans offered by your property will be listed.
    • Select the rate plan preferred by your guest.
  4. Auto-fill Pricing:
    • Once a rate plan is selected, the prices for that specific plan will automatically populate the amount columns.
  5. Complete the Booking:
    • After filling out all the necessary details, click the Create Reservation button at the bottom to finalize the booking.