How can I make a walk-in booking under a Direct Billing account?
Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

- Log in to Your Stayflexi Dashboard:
- Use your username and password to log in.
- Go to Reservation calendar:
- After logging in, click the Reservation Calendar icon second icon from the left(as shown in Image 1).
- Create a Walk-in booking:
- Select the Create dropdown on the right(as shown in Image 2).
- Click on the Walk-in option (as shown in Image 2).
- Fill in the customer details.
- Click on the Segment dropdown on the right-hand side of the page(as shown in Image 3).
- Select the DIRECT_BILLING option (as shown in Image 3).
- Click on the Sub-segment dropdown(as shown in Image 4).
- Select the Direct billing account under which you want to create the walk-in booking.
- Click on the Create Reservation button to successfully create a walk-in booking.
By following these steps you can make a walk-in booking under a Direct Billing account.