How can I check if the rates updated in Stayflexi have synced with the OTAs?

To check if the rates updated in Stayflexi have synced with the OTAs, follow these steps:
- Log in to the Stayflexi Dashboard with your credentials.
- Click on the ” Rates & Inventory ” icon at the dashboard’s top [third icon from the left].
- On the right side of the screen, click on the three dots to open more options.
- Select Logs: From the list of options, click on “Logs”.
- Check the Sync Status: On the opened page, review the status. If it shows “Success”, the updated rates have been successfully synced with the OTAs.
- If it does not show “Success” the rates have not been synced, and further action may be needed.
This process ensures that your rates are aligned across Stayflexi and the OTAs.