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How to check new reservations?
How to print in-house and arrivals guest list?
Viewing arrivals and departures
Reservation Calendar
Rates and Inventory
PMS Login
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Check out our guide categories
Understanding performance section in dashboard
What is city demand trends in Stayflexi?
How to see competitor rates in Stayflexi?
Understanding the reservations section in dashboard.
What is send magic link in dashboard?
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Reservation Calendar
Understanding Stayflexi reservation calendar layout
Understanding the filters in reservation calendar
How to view reservations by room type?
How to create a walk-in reservation?
How to create a group reservation?
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Rates and Inventory
Where can I view close rate plan restrictions applied to specific OTAs?
Can OTA bookings be canceled directly from Stayflexi?
How can I change rates for a specific day?
Can OTA bookings be canceled directly from Stayflexi?
Is it possible to manually sync rates and inventory from Stayflexi?
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Understanding the housekeeping layout.
Is there a simple and efficient way to mark all dirty room as clean with just one click from the housekeeping interface? How user-friendly is this process?
Where can I find a comprehensive view of all rooms and their current statuses (dirty, clean, out of order, dirty occupied)?
How do I assign housekeeping staff to specific rooms for cleaning?
How can I easily assign dirty rooms to housekeeping staff for cleaning ?
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what is the conversation feature in Stayflexi and how can it help a property
Can I reply online travel portal / channel guest messages from Stayflexi and what are the steps to do so ?
Can a property communicate on real time basis with OTA guest with the help of conversations
Can I track the history of messages sent to guests through Stayflexi?
How does Stayflexi enable communication with guests before, during, and after their stay?
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Review management
Overview of Review Management
What is Stayflexi’s AI-powered review management, and how can it help my property?
Can I respond directly to guest reviews posted on online travel portals through Stayflexi?
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How do I set up the shop to start taking orders?
How do I bulk upload POS menu items? What should I check before uploading?
When settling a POS bill, if remarks (like “payment collected via net banking”) are added, where can I view these remarks in the reports?
How can I configure a service charge, and can it be automatically added to each order?
How do I place an order for a specific table?
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Overview Of reports and what are important reports to refer in Stayflexi ?
Is there a way to generate a report for POS transactions (restaurant, spa, etc.) within the property?
How can I generate an expense report to track operational costs?
How can I generate a report of all the charged virtual cards from Expedia or
How can I generate a tax report to track the taxes collected from bookings?
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Direct Billing
How do I create a ''Direct Billing'' account in Stayflexi?
How do I view all bookings for a specific Direct Billing account?
How can I see only unsettled folios or reservations for a given Direct Billing account?
How do I settle a folio after receiving payment from a Direct Billing account?
How can I edit or update a Direct Billing account?
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Revenue Management
Can dynamic pricing be set to run at a specific time, regardless of occupancy changes?
How do I link or create dependencies across rate plans (also known as setting up Rate Plan Dependency)?
Can the occupancy percentages in dynamic pricing overlap across different rules?
Can dynamic pricing be applied to only one specific room category?
Can dynamic pricing and rate templates function simultaneously?
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