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How to check-in a reservation?

Follow these steps to check-in a confirmed reservation:

  1. Login to your Stayflexi dashboard.
  2. On the left panel, click on the Reservation Calendar [the second icon] to view all your reservations.

Identifying Confirmed Reservations: All confirmed reservations are marked in light orange, indicating they must be checked in. These reservations have the booking completed but are awaiting check-in.

  1. Click on the specific booking you wish to check-in. A pop-up window will appear on the right side of the screen, displaying booking and customer information.
  2. Below the booking details, you will see multiple action options. Locate the check-in option and click on it.
  3. Another pop-up window will appear to confirm the check-in. Ensure you are checking in the correct guest by verifying the booking ID.
  4. Once verified, click on Check-in to confirm.
  5. You will receive a confirmation message, and the reservation status will change.
    • The Reservation that was previously colored in light orange will now turn green, indicating the guest has successfully checked in.