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How do I cancel a reservation in the system?

To cancel a reservation in Stayflexi, follow the below-mentioned guidelines:

  1. Login to Stayflexi: Start by logging into your Stayflexi dashboard using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Reservations Tab: From the front page of the Stayflexi dashboard, locate the top navigation menu. The second icon is the Reservation Calendar. Click on the icon to view all your reservations.
  3. Select the Desired Reservation: Click on the desired reservation, that you want to cancel.
  4. Booking Information Page: A page will appear on the right side of the screen displaying the booking and customer information.
  5. Locate Cancel Booking Option: Below the customer details, a list of actions will be displayed. Find and click on Cancel Booking.
  6. Choose Cancellation Policy:
    • A new page will open on the right side.
    • In the Please Select column, click on the tiny arrow to open the dropdown menu.
    • Select the applicable Cancellation Policy based on your property’s rules.
  7. Complete the Cancellation: After selecting the policy, click the Yes, Cancel Booking button at the bottom to finalize the action.