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How can I upload guest ID proof in the PMS while creating or editing a reservation?

Below are the guidelines on how to upload guest ID proof in the PMS while creating or editing a reservation.

  1. Login to Stayflexi: Log into your Stayflexi dashboard using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Reservations Tab: From the front page of the Stayflexi dashboard, locate the top navigation menu. The second icon is the Reservation Calendar. Click on the icon to see all your reservations.
  3. Select and click on the Reservation that you want to upload guest ID proof in the PMS.
  4. A pop-up window will appear on the right side of the screen showing the Booking and Customer Information.
  5. Move to Customer Information: This is the page where you can see the guest information, where their details will be displayed.
  6. Upload Image Section: At the bottom of the customer information screen, you’ll find an option labeled Upload Image.
  7. Select Camera or Device Upload: Click on this option, and you’ll see two choices- Camera Upload or Device Upload.
    • Camera Upload lets you capture an image directly from your camera.
    • Device Upload allows you to upload images from your device.
  8. Select Device Upload: Choose Device Upload if you have the images saved on your computer or device.
  9. ID Image Upload: You will see two fields: ID Front and ID Back.
    • Upload the front side of the guest’s ID in the ID front section.
    • Upload the back side of the ID in the ID Back section.
    • Use the file selection options to choose images from your device’s gallery or desktop.
  10. Save the Customer Information: After uploading both images, click the Save Customer button to complete the process. This will store the images and update the customer’s information in Stayflexi.