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Can I mark a same-day booking as checked-in while creating the reservation?

YES, in Stayflexi, you can mark a same-day booking as checked-in while creating the reservation. When you create the booking, there will be an option to directly check in the guest during the reservation process. This allows you to streamline the process for walk-ins or last-minute bookings, ensuring that the reservation is both created and checked in at the same time.

To mark a same-day booking as checked-in while creating the reservation, follow the below-explained step guidelines:

  1. Login to your Stayflexi dashboard.
  2. On the left panel, click on the Reservation Calendar [the second icon] to view all your reservations.
  3. Select the today’s date from the calendar.
    • Drag the booking from the Check-in date to the desired check-out date.
  4. A pop-up window will appear covering the entire screen, where you can complete the guest’s details.
  5. Enter the guest’s Name, Email, and Phone Number.
  6. You can also add any special requests from the guest.
  7. ID Proof: Upload the guest’s ID Proof with Front and Back photos options
  8. Address details: Enter the guest’s address, and select the number of adults and children for the reservation.
  9. Review Guest Details: After reviewing all the guest details, you will find the Create Reservation button. To the right of this button, there is a Check-in button, which allows you to check in the guest during the reservation process.
  10. Select the Check-in Option: click on the tiny square checkbox next to the Check-in option. By selecting this, the guest will be automatically checked in once the reservation is created.
  11. Click the Create Reservation button at the bottom right of the window.
  12. Your reservation and check-in are completed and you’ll receive a confirmation message on the screen.