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Can I create a booking enquiry with an automatic expiration if payment is not received, and auto-confirm it upon payment?

Yes, In Stayflexi, you can create a booking enquiry that is based on minutes, hours, or days, and it will automatically expire if the guest doesn’t make the payment within the specified time. Here’s how it works in more detail:

  1. Create Time-Sensitive Booking enquiries:
    • When you create a booking enquiry, you have the flexibility to set an expiration window that fits your needs. This could be in minutes [for short-term bookings like hourly stays], hours, or even days [for longer enquiries].
    • The booking enquiry will hold the room or service for the guest during that period. However, it will not be confirmed until payment is received.
    • The system automatically tracks the time and, if the payment is not made within the set period, the inquiry will expire and the room will be released back into availability. This prevents rooms from being blocked indefinitely without any payment.
  2. Automatic Expiry Without Payment:
    • If the guest does not complete the payment within the specified time, the enquiry expires automatically, and the booking request is canceled.
    • This ensures that rooms don’t remain held for too long, improving your occupancy management. You no longer need to manually track unpaid inquiries or release rooms, as the system handles this automatically.
  3. Automatic Confirmation With Payment:
    • If the guest completes the payment within the expiration window, the system will automatically confirm the booking.
    • This means there’s no need for manual confirmation or additional follow-up. The enquiry is seamlessly converted into a confirmed reservation, streamlining your operations and saving time for both property staff and guests.