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Is there a way to generate a report for POS transactions (restaurant, spa, etc.) within the property?

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YES, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to generate reports for transactions across various property outlets like restaurants, spas, etc., in Stayflexi:

  1. Log in to your Stayflexi dashboard using your credentials.
  2. From the dashboard, click on the 4-dots square icon labeled “More Apps”, located on the right side of the screen.
  3. From the listed apps, locate and click on the Reports.
  4. On the left side of the dashboard, you will see a list of different reports.
  5. From the list of available reports, click on All Outlets Itemwise Category Summary Report.
  6. View the Report:
    • The report will open on your screen, displaying transaction details.
    • Data is organized with headers horizontally, such as:
      • Outlet Name
      • Item Category
      • Item Name
      • Quantity Sold
      • Total Sales
  7. Below each column, you’ll find the corresponding data categorized by outlet.
  8. Filter by Date Range:
    • Use the Date Range Selector to choose the desired time period:
    • For current date transactions, select today’s date.
    • For previous date transactions, adjust the date range accordingly.
  9. Analyze and Export:
    • Review the report on-screen or export it for further analysis, depending on your needs.
  10. This process ensures you can quickly access detailed sales and transaction data for each outlet within your property.