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How do I schedule a daily revenue report for my property?

To generate a daily revenue report for your property, Follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Log in to your Stayflexi dashboard using your credentials.
  2. From the dashboard, click on the 4-dots square icon labeled “More Apps”, located on the right side of the screen.
  3. From the listed apps, locate and click on the Reports.
  4. Once the reports page opens, look to the right side and click on Schedule Reports.
  5. On Schedule Reports page, click on Add New Report Schedule to start configuring your report.
  6. Configure the Report:
    • A report configuration page will appear on the right.
    • Fill in the details, including the Name of the Report Schedule [e.g.,”Daily Revenue Report”].
    • Select Report Type as Revenue Report.
    • Set Schedule Frequency by clicking on the dropdown. Choose Daily from the default options.
  7. Click the Save button at the bottom to complete the setup.

You have successfully scheduled a Daily Revenue Report in Stayflexi. The system will automatically generate the report daily based on your configuration.