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Can I view a report of all reservations made during a specific period?

To view a report of all reservations made during a specific period, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Log in to your Stayflexi dashboard using your credentials.
  2. From the dashboard, click on the 4-dots square icon labeled “More Apps”, located on the right side of the screen.
  3. From the listed apps, locate and click on the Reports.
  4. On the left side of the dashboard, you will see a list of different reports.
  5. Access Property Reports: At the top of the Reports section, you’ll see Property Reports. The reports under this section will already be displayed on the screen.
  6. Open the Master Report:
    • Click on Master Report to open the detailed booking report.
  7. Select the Date Range:
    • In the reports section, locate the Date Range Selector to set the dates.
  8. Choose Your Dates:
    • Click on any specific dates for which you want to view all reservations made during that period.
  9. Apply the Date Range:
    • Once you’ve selected the desired dates, click the “Apply” button to confirm your date range.

This will display a report showing all reservations made within the specified period.