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How to sync rates across all OTAs or Channels?

Below are the step-by-step guidelines on how to sync rates across all OTAs or Channels:

  1. Log in to the Stayflexi Dashboard with your credentials.
  2. Click on the ” Rates & Inventory ” icon at the dashboard’s top [third icon from the left].
  3. On the right side of the screen, click on the three dots to open more options.
  4. Select “Bulk Sync.”
  5. In the Bulk Sync window, you will see the following fields:
    • Room Type
    • Rate Plan
    • Channels/ OTAs
    • Date Range
  6. Fill in the required details for each field as per your needs.
  7. Once completed, click the “Save” button.
  8. A confirmation message will show that the rates have been successfully synced across all selected OTAs.