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How do I set rooms to online status?

The main purpose of setting a room to Online Status in Stayflexi is to make it available for bookings across online channels, such as OTAs [Online Travel Agencies] and the property’s website.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to find the feature Setting a Room Online status:

  1. Log into the Stayflexi Dashboard.
  2. Click on the third icon from the top, which is Rates and Inventory.
  3. Locate the “Bulk Update” option on the top right side of the screen and click on it.
  4. Locate Set Online: In the list of actions that appears, find and select set Online option.
  5. Select Room Types: Choose the Room Types and then you can select room numbers you want to set online from the options provided.
  6. Toggle Selection:
    • There is a toggle option available:
    • Enable the toggle to select all rooms at once and make it online.
    • Disable it to set rooms online on a room-by-room basis.
  7. Select the Date Range: Don’t forget to specify the “Date Range” during which the rooms will be online.
  8. Set Online: After making your selections, click on the Set Online button located below.
  9. Confirmation Message: You will receive a confirmation message indicating that the selected rooms have been successfully Set Online.