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How do I restrict a specific rate plan on OTAs?

To restrict a specific rate plan on OTAs, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Log into the Stayflexi Dashboard.
  2. Click on the third icon from the top, which is Rates and Inventory.
  3. Navigate to Bulk Update: Click on the “Bulk Update” option in the dashboard.
  4. Select Close/Open Rate Plan:
    • From the list of actions, locate and click on Close/Open Rate Plan.
    • A new page will appear on the right side of the screen.
  5. Set the Restrictions:
    • Select the desired days and date range for the restriction.
    • Choose the Source [OTAs] where you want to apply the restriction.
    • Select the Direct Billing Accounts if applicable.
  6. Toggle Room Type and Rate Plan Selection:
    • You’ll see a toggle option:
      • Enable the toggle to apply the restriction to all room types and rate plans.
      • Disable the toggle if you want to select individual room types and rate plans.
  7. Select Room Type and Rate Plan:
    • Below the toggle, select the Room Type.
    • Once the room type is selected, the Rate Plan column will become editable.
    • Choose whether to Close or Open the rate plan for that room type.
    • Close [restricting the rate plan] or Open [making it available to all OTAs].
  8. Save the Changes:
    • After filling in all necessary details, click the Save button at the bottom to complete the action.