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How can I set a cut-off time for a specific OTA?

Follow the below steps to set a cut-off time for a specific OTA:

  1. Log into the Stayflexi Dashboard.
  2. Click on the third icon from the top, which is Rates and Inventory.
  3. Locate the green “Bulk Update” on the right side of the screen and click on it.
  4. Locate Min/Max Advanced Booking Offset: From the listed options, find and click on Min/Max Advanced Booking Offset.
  5. A page will open on the right side of the screen.
  6. Select Days: Choose the days for which you want to apply the booking offset.
  7. Select Date Range: Specify the date range for the cut-off time.
  8. Select the OTA/Source: From the source list, select the specific OTA for which you want to set the restrictions.
  9. Enable/Disable Toggle: You’ll see a toggle option. If you enable it, the restrictions will apply to all room types and rate plans. If you disable it, you can set restrictions individually.
  10. Select Room Types: Choose the room types for which you want to set the cut-off time.
  11. Set Min/Max Hours: In the respective columns, input the minimum and maximum hours:
    • Min Hours: Set this when you want to prevent bookings within a certain number of hours before check-in.
    • Max Hours: Set this when you want to restrict bookings after a certain number of hours from the current time.