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How can I adjust the inventory for a specific day?

Below are the step by step guidelines on how to adjust the inventory for a specific day:

  1. Log into the Stayflexi Dashboard.
  2. Click on the third icon from the top, which is Rates and Inventory.
  3. Locate the green “Bulk Update” on the right side of the screen and click on it.
  4. Locate and click on “Set Inventory” from the listed options.
  5. On the next page, go to the Days column and select the specific day for which you want adjust the inventory.
  6. Select the date range to apply the changes.
  7. Choose the appropriate room type from the list.
  8. Enter the desired room count for that day.
  9. If needed, click on the “Add Room Type” button to add inventory for additional room types.
  10. Finally, click on “Set Inventory” to complete the adjustment.