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What is the Payment Automation Dashboard and what can I monitor there?

The Payment Automation Dashboard in Stayflexi is designed to give hotel owners and managers a clear and detailed overview of their payment activities. This dashboard allows you to monitor various aspects of payments, including automated payments, manual payments, and payments by type (like cash, card, etc.). By using this dashboard, you can track how payments are processed daily, understand the volume by payment methods, and see important details related to failed or successful payments.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Image 5:

Image 6:

  • What Can You Monitor on the Dashboard?
    • Total Payments (Automated vs. Manual)
      • Top section: You can see the total volume of payments processed, divided between automated and manual payments. This helps you understand the extent to which payment automation is being used and how much manual intervention is needed.
    • Payments by Day
      • Top middle section: A graph shows the volume of payments for each day of the month, giving you insights into daily payment trends. This can help you spot patterns, such as when guests tend to make more payments (e.g., weekends vs. weekdays).
    • Payment by Type
      • Top right graph: This section breaks down payments by different methods—cash, card, bank transfers, and online payments. You can easily see which payment methods are most popular among guests.
    • Manual vs. Automated Payments
      • Middle section: This chart distinguishes between payments that are handled automatically (through booking engines or payment processors) and those handled manually. It shows the total revenue from each method.
    • Gateway Payments by Day
      • Bottom right graph: This shows payments that went through various gateways (such as Stripe, Razorpay, etc.) over specific days. It helps you track gateway performance and identify any issues related to specific payment providers.
    • Table for payments, refunds, transfers, and reversals (Detailed View)
      • Bottom section: This table shows a detailed list of individual transactions, including date, amount booking ID, guest name, payment type, gateway name, payment gateway ID, and source of payment.
  • Step-by-Step Explanation:
    • Log in to Your Stayflexi Dashboard:
      • Enter your username and password to log in.
    • Go to Dashboard:
      • After logging in, click the “More Apps” icon (represented by four boxes or blocks) in the top right corner.
        • From the dropdown menu, select Payments(as shown in Image 1).
          • You will see the Dashboard option with various graphs and data tables.
        • Review Total Payments (as shown in Image 2):
          • At the top of the dashboard, you’ll see the total payments processed today. This includes both automated and manual payments, so you can quickly gauge how much revenue has been collected.
        • Check Payments by Day(as shown in Image 3):
          • Look at the “Payments by Day” graph to understand payment trends over the month. The taller bars indicate days with higher payment volumes.
          • This helps you predict busier times or peak days for payments.
        • Analyze Payments by Type(as shown in Image 3):
          • The “Payments by Type” graph gives you a breakdown of the payment methods used (cash, card, etc.). This is useful for understanding guest preferences and ensuring your payment methods are adequately supported.
        • Compare Automated vs. Manual Payments(as shown in Image 4):
          • Check the graph that compares manual and automated payments. If you notice that manual payments are higher, you might want to adjust your settings to enable more automation.
        • View Gateway Payments by Day(as shown in Image 4):
          • The “Gateway Payments by Day” chart tracks the payments processed through payment gateways like Stripe and Razorpay. This shows which payment providers are being used most often and allows you to monitor gateway-specific trends.
        • Monitor Individual Transactions(as shown in Images 5 and 6):
          • At the bottom, you will see a table with details of each payment, refunds, transfers, and reversal. Use this table to:
            • Confirm amounts.
            • Check the booking IDs
            • Payment gateway IDs etc.

The Payment Automation Dashboard gives you a clear and comprehensive overview of how payments are being processed for your hotel. By monitoring this dashboard, you can ensure smooth operations, identify any issues quickly, and make informed decisions to improve your payment processes.