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How to cancel a booking

In Stayflexi, you can cancel a booking using two methods: through the reservation calendar or via the folio.

Below are the explanations and guidelines for both methods:

  • Through the Reservation Calendar:
  1. Step 1: Go to Reservation Calendar.
  2. Step 2: Click on the reservation you want to cancel.
  3. Step 3: A page will open on the right side with multiple actions.
  4. Step 4: Locate and click on “Cancel Booking”.
  5. Step 5: A page will open on the right side for cancellation options.
  6. Step 6: Select your options, such as:
    • Apply Cancellation policy:- It will cancel the booking and apply the amount as per cancellation policy configured.
    • Don’t void.
    • Charge one night and void remaining:- It will charge one night prices only and void remaining night prices.
    • Void all remaining charges:- It will make the room amount zero for the given booking id.
  7. Step 7: Click “Yes, Cancel booking”.

You will receive a confirmation message that the booking has been successfully canceled.

  • Through Folio:
  1. Step 1: Click on the reservation you want to cancel.
  2. Step 2: A page will open on the right side.
  3. Step 3: Select “View Folio” from the available actions.
  4. Step 4: On the Folio page, click on “More Folio Actions.”
  5. Step 5: Locate and click on “Cancel Booking”.
  6. Step 6: Select the void charge options according to your preference.
  7. Step 7: Click “Confirm Cancel” to complete the action.

You will receive a confirmation message indicating that the booking has been successfully canceled.

Note: To cancel an online travel portal or channel booking, Kindly reach out to the respective online travel portal or channel.