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How to add company details to a folio in Stayflexi and apply them during billing?

Below are the step-by-step guidelines on how to find the Folio of a Reservation in Stayflexi:

  1. Login to Stayflexi: Log into your Stayflexi dashboard using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Reservations Tab: From the front page of the Stayflexi dashboard, locate the top navigation menu. The second icon is the Reservation Calendar. Click on the icon to see all your reservations.
  3. Select the Reservation: Choose the reservation you want to add the company details.
  4. View Reservation Details: A pop-up window will appear on the right side of the screen, showing the booking and customer information.
  5. Find the Folio Option: Scroll down to the section with multiple actions. Look for the option labeled View Folio and click on it.

How to Add Company Details to a Folio:

  1. Locate More Folio Actions: On the folio page, find the section called More Folio Actions.
  2. Select Add Company: Click on the option to Add Company Details.
  3. Fill in Company Details: A popup will appear where you need to fill in all the relevant company information.
  4. Click Add Details: Once all the details are filled in, click the green Add Details button at the bottom to save the company information.
  5. Confirmation Message: You will receive a confirmation message that the company details have been successfully added.

Billing with Company Details:

  1. Booking Segment and Source:
    • During billing, go to the folio. Next to the guest name, click on the Booking Segment column.
    • Select Direct Billing to link the company to the folio.
    • In the Booking Source column, select the appropriate company details.
  2. Proceed with Billing:
    • The bill will be processed with selected company details.

Sending Folio PDF: You can send the Folio PDF to:

  1. The Guest
  2. The Company.

Click on the print icon in black color at the top right-hand side to see the options for sending the folio.