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Where can I see report for Expense Manager?

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Below is the step-by-step guide to see the Expense manager reports:

  1. Logging into Your Stayflexi Dashboard:
    • Enter your username and password to log in.
  2. Go to Reports:
    • Once logged in, click on the More Apps icon (represented by four blocks) in the top right corner.
    • From the dropdown menu, select Reports (as shown in Image 1).
  3. Go to Expense manager reports:
    • On the left sidebar in the Reports page, click on the Expense reports option(as shown in Image 2).
    • Now, click on the Expense Manager report option to view all the expense reports(as shown in Image 2).
    • Now do the following(as shown in Image 3):
      • View the Report Details:
        • The report will open, showing your property’s expenses.
      • Data is structured as follows:
        • Horizontal Headers include:
          • Type of Expense (e.g., maintenance, utilities)
          • ID (unique identifier for each expense)
          • Reason/Entity Name (why or who the expense was for)
          • Description (details of the expense)
        • Vertical Columns list the corresponding data under each header.
      • Analyze the Data:
        • Scroll through the report to review detailed expense entries.
        • Use this report to track and manage your property’s expenses

By following these steps you can see the reports for the expense manager.