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How do I view the pending balance for a Direct Billing account?

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Below is the step-by-step guide to viewing all the pending balances for a specific Direct billing account:

  1. Log in to Your Stayflexi Dashboard:
    • Use your username and password to log in.
  2. Go to Direct Billing:
    • After logging in, click the icon with four boxes (more apps) in the top right corner(as shown in Image 1).
    • A dropdown menu will appear.
    • Select “Direct Billing” from the list (as shown in Image 1).
  3. View Bookings:
    • Click on the View Booking option on the Direct billing account you want to view the pending balance(as shown in Image 2).
    • A page with all the bookings made on this particular direct billing account will be displayed (as shown in Image 3).
    • By scrolling right, at the end of the table, you can see the Direct Billing Balance Due and Folio Balance Due columns where you can view all the pending balances for a Direct Billing account(as shown in Image 3).

By following these steps you can easily view all the pending balances for a specific direct billing account.