

Did You Know?

Stayflexi can give you more direct bookings from Google. Contact your CSM today!

How can I view the number of available rooms in each category and the base price from the dashboard?

To view how many rooms are available in each category and what the base price is from the dashboard, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Log in to Stayflexi: Use the provided credentials to log into the Stayflexi dashboard.
  2. View Availability: Once on the opened page, look to the right side of the screen.
  3. Check Availability Today: In this column, you will see the availability for today. Here, you can view:
    • Room Category Inventory: The number of rooms available in each category.
    • Base Price: The base price for each room category for the current day.

How it can be useful?

For Example: If a guest calls wanting to book a room for the night, you can log in, glance at the column, and see that you have Two Queen Bed rooms available at $76 each and two double bed accessible, King bed accessible, King bed at $76 each. This enables you to respond promptly with accurate information and efficiently secure the booking.