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Setting Minimum Room Price: How can I set a minimum price for a room category to avoid lower price updates?

Yes. You can set a minimum price for a room category by using Stayflexi’s Property configuration settings.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Below are the step-by-step guidelines for setting up minimum room price:

  1. Logging into Your Stayflexi Dashboard:
    • Enter your username and password to log in.
  2. Go to Property Configuration:
    • Once logged in, click on the More Apps icon (represented by four blocks) in the top right corner.
    • From the dropdown menu, select Property Configuration (as shown in Image 1).
  3. Navigating Property Setup:
    • On the left side of the Property Configuration page, you’ll see various options.
    • Click on the Property Setup dropdown to reveal more options, including:
      • Property Details
      • Folio Setup
      • Shift Setup
      • Hotel Addons
      • Hourly Price Config
      • Flexible Slot
      • Other Settings
    • Click on the Property Details option (as shown in Image 2).
  4. Setting up room occupancy:
    • On the Property Details page, find the Manage Room Types section, where all room types are listed.
    • On room type, click the three-dot menu on the room type to display the following options:
      • Edit Amenities
      • Edit Room
    • Select Edit Room to see room details (as shown in Image 3).
    • A section to edit room details appears, where you can see various options.
    • To set minimum room price:
      • Click on the Minimum Room Price field (as shown in Image 4).
      • After setting up the minimum room price, click on the Save button to save the minimum room price.

By following these steps you can set the Minimum room price.