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How can I edit user roles or access, reset passwords, or log out users?

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Image 5:

Image 6:

Image 7:

Image 8:

Below are the step-by-step guidelines to edit user roles and access, reset passwords, or log out users from Property Configuration:

  1. Logging into Your Stayflexi Dashboard:
    • Enter your username and password to log in.
  2. Go to Property Configuration:
    • After logging in, click the “More Apps” icon in the top right corner (represented by four boxes or blocks).
    • From the dropdown menu, select Property Configuration (as shown in Image 1).
    • On the left-hand side of the Property Configuration page, you’ll see various options.
  3. Managing Roles and Access:(as shown in Image 2)
    • Click the “Users and Access Control” dropdown icon.
    • A list of options will appear, including:
      • Roles and Access
      • User
      • Active Users
    • Select Roles and Access to view all existing roles.
  4. Editing Roles and Access:
    • Click the Edit role icon next to the role you want to modify (as shown in Image 3).
    • A list of features and restrictions will be displayed.
    • Enable or disable access by toggling the switch next to each feature name as needed.
    • Once you’re done, scroll down and click the Save button to apply the changes (as shown in Image 4).
  5. Resetting a User’s Password:
    • Click the User option under “Users and Access Control” to view all existing users.
    • Next to each user email, there are three icons:
      • 1st icon: Force logout user
      • 2nd icon: Edit password
      • 3rd icon: Edit user role
    • To reset a user’s password, click the 2nd icon (Edit password).
    • Update the password in the Password section.
    • Click Save to confirm the new password (as shown in Images 5 and 6).
  6. Logging Out a User:
    • To force a user to log out from the Stayflexi system, click the 1st icon (Force logout user) next to the user’s email.
    • A pop-up will appear with the message: “Please reset the password before logging out the user”, along with CLOSE and Yes, logout buttons.
    • Click Yes, logout to logout user (as shown in Images 7 and 8).