

Did You Know?

Stayflexi can give you more direct bookings from Google. Contact your CSM today!

Can I bulk upload bookings from another PMS into Stayflexi? What are the requirements?

Yes, You can bulk upload bookings from another PMS into Stayflexi by following the below-given steps:

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Image 5:

  1. Log into Your Stayflexi Dashboard:
    • Enter your username and password to sign in.
  2. Navigate to Property Configuration:
    • Once logged in, click on the “More Apps” icon (four small blocks) in the top-right corner.
    • Select “Property Configuration” from the dropdown menu (as shown in Image 1).
  3. Go to Booking Imports:
    • In the left-hand menu, click on “Booking imports.” (as shown in Image 2).
    • This will take you to the page for uploading bookings in bulk.
  4. Download and Fill Out the Template(as shown in Images 2 and 3):
    • Click on the “Download template” button to get the file needed for bulk uploading.
    • Open the template and add all booking details in the format provided.
  5. Upload Your Booking Data(as shown in Images 4 and 5):
    • Once you’ve filled out the template, go back to the booking imports page.
    • Click on “Bulk import bookings” and follow the instructions that appear in the pop-up window.
    • Set the date format as needed, then click “Bulk upload booking.”
    • Finally, upload your completed file.

Your bookings will now be imported into Stayflexi!

This functionality allows you to seamlessly migrate your bookings to Stayflexi in manageable batches. Here is how it works: Import in Batches: You can upload reservations in batches of 500 bookings at a time. This allows for easier management and processing of large datasets. please be aware that uploading the same booking data twice will result in the bookings being marked as unassigned. This can cause confusion and issues.