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How to upgrade or downgrade a reservation?

Upgrade a Reservation in Stayflexi:

If a guest wants to upgrade their room, they are moving from their current room to a better one, which typically includes more amenities and a higher price.

  • Example: Upon arrival, a guest originally booked a standard room but decides they want more luxury and requests to move to a deluxe suite with a better view and added amenities. The hotel can easily process this request in Stayflexi by upgrading the reservation and adjusting the rate accordingly.

Downgrade a Reservation in Stayflexi:

If a guest wants to downgrade their room, they wish to move from their current room to one of a lower category, usually at a lower price.

  • Example: A guest initially booked a deluxe room but decides that the standard room will suffice for their stay, perhaps due to a change in budget or preference. The hotel can easily accommodate this request by downgrading the reservation, and Stayflexi will adjust the room rate to reflect the new booking.

How to Upgrade or Downgrade Reservation in Stayflexi:

  1. Login to Stayflexi: Log into your Stayflexi dashboard using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Reservations Tab: From the front page of the Stayflexi dashboard, locate the top navigation menu. The second icon is the Reservation Calendar. Click on the icon to see all your reservations.
  3. Select the Reservation that you want to Upgrade or Downgrade.
  4. A pop-up window will appear on the right side of the screen showing the Booking and Customer Information.
  5. Scroll down to see multiple actions you can perform, and find the Move Room option. Click on it.
  6. Another pop-up will appear, displaying the room details:
    • On the left side, you will see the existing room type, room ID, and current price.
    • On the right side, you will find the new room options for Upgrading or Downgrading.
  7. If you select a better room [Upgrade], the price will automatically adjust, and the system will show the price difference with a” + ” sign, indicating the additional amount the guest will need to pay.
  8. If the guest opts for a lesser room [Downgrade], the system will show the price difference with a ” – ” sign, indicating the refund or reduced cost.
  9. Once you fill in the required details according to the guest’s preference, click on the Move Reservation button located at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  10. You have successfully Upgraded or Downgraded the reservation, you will now receive a confirmation message.